Hibiscrub antimicrobial skin cleanser has been used for more than 45 years in hospitals around the world to help manage infection. It is used for pre-operative surgical hand disinfection, antiseptic hand washing on the ward, and pre- and post-operative skin antisepsis for patients undergoing electi
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Hibiscrub antimicrobial skin cleanser has been used for more than 45 years in hospitals around the world to help manage infection. It is used for pre-operative surgical hand disinfection, antiseptic hand washing on the ward, and pre- and post-operative skin antisepsis for patients undergoing elective surgery
Hibiscrub contains chlorhexidine gluconate in the form of an alcoholic solution. Chlorhexidine gluconate is an antiseptic effective against a wide range of bacteria, yeasts, some fungi and viruses. It is most active at a neutral or alkaline conditions. Its activity is reduced by the presence of blood or body fluids.
Hibiscrub binds strongly to skin, mucosa and other tissues and is therefore poorly absorbed. It is used routinely as an antiseptic hand-washing preparation and as a skin cleanser for patients undergoing surgery.
Hazards and Cautions
Please keep out of the sight and reach of children.
Avoid contact with brain, meninges and middle ear. If Hibiscrub comes into contact with the eyes, wash out immediately and thoroughly with water. In patients with head or spinal injuries or a perforated ear drum, the benefit of use in pre-operative should be evaluated against the risk of contact.
Do not inject. Do not use in body cavities
For external use only.
This is a medicine; Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have an underlying medical condition, are taking any other medication or complementary therapy, or if symptoms persist.
Seek advice before using if you are breast feeding, pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or suffer from allergies.
Keep all medicines out of the reach of children.